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Prakti Featured for International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies - Let Me Breathe
Prakti was featured on Pluc.tv for the International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies. Clean Cookstoves are an absolutely crucial part of improving air quality worldwide!
“This is Really Amazing!” Why Public Health Professionals Love the Prakti Air
Asif Ahmed, The assistant project officer of Calcutta Rescue who has worked for 24 years in 90 slums explains why he is so excited about the Prakti Air! His excitement is contagious and so is his upbeat attitude!
Prakti-I Liked It, I Bought It!
Follow Jyothi, a Prakti customer, as she cooks some delicious tomato chutney, Indian dosas, and French crepes, on a Prakti wood cookstove.
Prakti Cooking Show-Green Papaya Curry
Our good friend Kripa came to visit, and showed us (in Tamil!) how to cook a delicious and healthy green papaya curry, using a Prakti cook stove!
Prakti Air in Action
In this video, you can see the magic of how Prakti Air works in the field. When you turn the Prakti Air on inside of a traditional stove, the fire type changes dramatically.
Prakti Air Feedback, Himachal Pradesh
We interviewed people in our most recent pilot in Himachal Pradesh about what they thought of their new Prakti Air stoves!
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